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The Biblical Counseling Podcast

Jeff Christianson Ministries Podcast

Apr 20, 2020

When Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”, it is not that He didn’t know the ultimate answer.

He was quoting out of Psalm 22, which was the answer. He was being made sin for all of us, and the only way out of that was the faithfulness of the Father. “Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit.”  Everything depended on the faithfulness of the Father at that moment.

We can get into places in which it becomes so clear to us that there is no way to go on or no way out, unless the Father comes through.

Maybe some of you are there right now.

Get started on the right foot with your Biblical Counseling Training. The Biblical Counseling Academy’s Starter Course is now enrolling: