Aug 10, 2020
From Jeff Christianson and Bill Hines
Greetings, Conference Attenders and Friends,
On the heels of the International Association of Biblical Counselors annual conference Jeff Christianson and I thought it would be fun to give an overview of 2 Timothy for Counselors and Disciple Makers (remember all Christians are called to disciple). We invite you to watch Part 1 entitled: Stand Strong as You Stand for Christ. You may access this podcast, complete with video here.
In this episode we see an aging Paul writing a young Timothy to encourage him not to give up even while faced with fighting from within the Church and from enemies outside of the Church. The reader is struck by the tender relationship between the great Apostle and his son in the faith. In prison for his faith Paul assures young Timothy that God has all things well in His control and that Timothy’s task is to continue steadfast without wavering.
The listener to this podcast will be challenged as to the legacy he or she leaves behind to friends, family, natural children, or children in the Lord. You will also be challenged to be a Discipler of those God brings into your realm of influence.
Part 2: The Word of God for the Hard of Hearing will be released in a week and a link sent to you at that time.
Do you sense a calling to become a Biblical Counselor? Are you being led to become part of a team that desires to Counseling in God’s Way? This is the perfect place to start: